Our latest at Hayak

The concept of our investment

Hayak Company seeks expansion and a change in the perception of the car rental trade by introducing an investment that aligns with Islamic principles, ensuring that the investor is the primary beneficiary of this venture.

The investment concept involves purchasing vehicles with the investor’s funds, with the company responsible for their operation under a specific agreement. The investor receives a continuous monthly profit. It is important to note that the revenue percentage belongs to the investor, and the company receives a specific share for its operational efforts in managing this investment. The collection process for the investor begins in the first month of activating the agreement, with full assurance of ownership rights without any hassle or risk associated with this investment.

Why Invest with Us​

The Profitable Return!!
Your optimal opportunity to achieve a high Islamic profit, as the company’s operational share is very minimal compared to the profits generated from renting your car. For the company, it possesses effective and advanced capabilities and expertise in operating your car with ease and safety.

The risk level of investing with Hayak

Car rental is considered a low-risk business activity for several reasons.


we offer competitive prices, making us attractive to customers.


the capital is invested in the form of vehicles, allowing for a significant return on investment.


A significant portion of the capital can be recovered as the capital is tied up in the form of vehicles.


Our location in Dubai enhances business success opportunities, as the city attracts a large number of tourists.

Our Commitments to Investors


Due Diligence

Financial Projections

Investor Rights

Exit Strategy

Sustainability and Responsibility

Investment Structure


In our investment structure, we allocate the entire investment amount to purchase the agreed-upon vehicle. This vehicle will serve as a means to generate profits for the investor. The investor is responsible for covering all expenses and issues related to the vehicle from the funds generated by this vehicle.

Market & Competition
Distinguishing Features and Unique Selling Points
To set our company apart from the competition, it’s essential to focus on distinguishing features and unique selling points that attract customers. Some potential differentiators for our company could be:

Wide Variety of Cars

Offering a diverse fleet of vehicles to cater to the needs of Various customers, whether they are tourists or business travelers.

Excellent Customer Service

Providing exceptional and innovative customer service to ensure customer satisfaction and deliver a superior rental experience.

Ease and Flexibility in Rental Process

Simplifying the rental process and offering flexible options for rental durations and payment methods.

Technology & Innovation

Leveraging technology to enhance booking and communication processes, providing a seamless and modern digital experience for customers.

Competitive Pricing

Delivering competitive pricing and exclusive offers to attract a larger customer base.

Local Presence

Establishing rental offices strategically in well-known locations across Dubai and the UAE
to cater to customer convenience.

Investment Opportunities in Dubai with Us

Investment opportunities in the car rental business in Dubai are nothing short of exciting. Dubai offers an
excellent investment environment with a thriving economy and a vibrant car rental market. Dubai is one of the
world’s premier tourist destinations and a robust economic hub, which means there are ample opportunites for
our company in this sector. Additionally, the Dubai government provides foreign investors with favorable
incentives and facilities, including 100% ownership and no profit taxes. Start your research and planning today
to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity in the car rental industry in Dubai.

Frequently Asked Questions

The investment concept involves purchasing vehicles using private investors' funds and operating them according to a specific agreement with a monthly profit return to investors. The company takes care of all operational aspects without burdening the investors and ensures the preservation of their ownership rights.
Yes, the vehicle will be returned to the investor when it reaches a certain age, where the company cannot legally lease it to clients.
A percentage of the revenue, the company will receive an agreed-upon percentage in exchange for operating and managing the vehicle, and this percentage is calculated and deducted from the total revenue generated by the vehicle.
This is left to the investor's choice. The investor can choose to bear all costs and obligations, or the company can assume all costs and obligations in exchange for an increased operating percentage, as per the agreed-upon agreement.
Hayak Car Rental Company will have the exclusive right to operate the vehicle, and no third parties will be allowed.reclaim the vehicle.
Yes, the investor has the right to own more than one vehicle within the company.
Monthly, the company will issue a statement of account and transfer the funds to the investor's account during the first five days of each month.
No, there is no risk as the investor's funds are stored in the form of vehicles that can be reclaimed at any time. Car rental in Dubai is in high demand, making it highly desirable.
The company if desired, will offer to buy the vehicle from the investor based on the vehicle's condition and market prices. If the investor declines the offer, the company will proceed with returning the vehicle in the investor's name.

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